When you look at Jesus of Nazareth, what do you see?
Well, for starters, He’s from Nazareth! Nazareth is nasty. Everyone knows not to buy real estate in Nazareth! You’ll be borrowing at 9.5% with no fixed rate, and you’d be putting down roots in the most dangerous region of the country. And that’s sugar-coating it! Nazareth is the home of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest society in the history of these territories. The local children chant an eerie little query about Nazareth; it goes like this: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth!?”
And even when Jesus travels to other areas, He tends to hang out in sordid and seedy places; and He’s always associating with disreputable and undistinguished peoples.
Furthermore, Jesus has an abrasive, gnarly, and acerbic way of communicating/storytelling (kind of like Flannery ‘O Connor).
And overall, Jesus only succeeds in procuring the allegiance of oyster-esque camaraderie. In other words, the people who stay attached to Jesus aren’t attractive or outwardly appealing. Team Jesus is comprised of resistant, hard, prickly, and disfigured canaille who harbor internal darkness and snot.
“CAN anything good come out of such a society?”
Well, as crazy as this sounds …God has designated and designed oysters – of all creatures – to be the cultivators of pearls! The sundry irritants of life infiltrate these unattractive, hard, disfigured oyster canaille, and the oysters combat these irritants by coating them in layers of aragonite and conchiolin, which combine to form nacre (a.k.a. mother-of-pearl). These coats/layers are very thin, and it takes years for a pearl to form. Natural pearls are rare. Most pearls are the result of supernatural intervention, meaning a pearl farmer inserts irritants into the oyster to stimulate pearl production (see 2 Corinthians 12:7). Pearls can come in many colors (e.g. white, black, gray, red, blue, and green), and they can also be different shapes (e.g. spherical or baroque, etc.).
God LOVES authoring pearls from oyster-esque peoples! E.G. Saul of tarsus, Judah (son of Jacob), Ebenezer Scrooge, The Grinch, Zacchaeus, Kylo Ren, etc.
Cheers! Oyster man