Counselor: How are things?

Martha: Not great.

Counselor: [silent gaze…]

Martha: Well, you know how I’ve been really jazzed about Jesus?

Counselor: Yes…

Martha: Well, I invited Jesus to come have dinner at our house, and I expected my relative(s) to help me serve Jesus. I was humbly and honorably committed to the rigors and responsibilities of hosting Jesus. However, my relative(s) disgraced me. …So I appealed to Jesus as the judge of all righteousness, knowing for certain that He would vindicate me. But He chastised me. He told me that my relative(s) were right, and He said that their disgraceful behavior was what He wanted.

Counselor: Do you think it’s possible that you are indeed in the wrong?

Martha: I don’t appreciate what you’re implying!

Counselor: [silent gaze…]

Martha: [storms out of the room]


[three weeks go by]

[the counselor receives a phone call from Martha]

Counselor: Hello?

Martha: [no answer]

[the counselor hangs up the phone, and calls Martha back 5 minutes later]

Martha: Hello?

Counselor: You called?

Martha: That was a butt dial.

[awkward silence]

Martha: Okay. Bye. [Martha hangs up. And Martha never talks to the counselor again?]