God destroys and thwarts and makes foolish our prized popularity and paragons of wisdom and eloquence. God offers stumbling and folly. God chooses what is foolish, weak, low, and despised.

What you GOTTA KNOW [bigtime know! …ONLY know …resolve to know nothing other than this know] [1Cor.2.2]!?!?!?

How you gotta be with people… in weakness and fear and much trembling; and NOT w/ plausible words of wisdom.

When talking to venerable/high-ranking politicians …be sure to FULLY commit to 1Cor.2.2 – and thereby make yourself look crazy, foolish, and out-of-your-mind! (yet – secretly – among the mature [e.g. people who are NOT popular or fashionable or trendy or ‘expert’ or counseling professionals or etc.] you will appear completely rational and sane! Yah!).

Who are the mature? Who are the meat-eaters? NOT the Pharisees/seminary profs and key note speakers at conferences! Smalls is ALL-ABOUT the SECRET & HIDDEN WISDOM (think Oogway, COMC, Poppins, and/or Wonka).

1 Cor. 2:15 = Edmond Dantès


1 Cor. 4:1 – – – > Our true identity = SoTMoG! How do you identify? 4.10 = we are fools for Christ’s sake! 4:13 = we are the scum of the world, and the refuse of all things. & [4:3] it is a VERY SMALL THING to be judged by anyone. 4:5 = we do not expect to be commended by the people who say, “I have really labored over my life decisions, and I have struggled and thought long and hard about the choices I’ve made – and if I had it all over to do again, I wouldn’t do it differently; and I make no apologies.” (we shall only be commended by people who most most most emphatically and chronically CLING to 1 Timothy 1:15 and 1 Corinthians 2:2 – – – we shall only be commended by people hungry hungry hungry for the freedom and joy of admitting that they are wrong; people who do not have excuses, and explanations, and self-justifications, and clinical diagnostic defenses for avoiding the simple, childlike, fact that they are wretched and wicked – and in desperate (and delightedly joyful) need of God’s mercy!’).

When SMALLS says, “1 Corinthians 4:14, 19, 21.” We say, “Hard pass! LoL.”

1 Corinthians 4:14, 19, 21; 5:2-3, 5– – – > WHO DO YOU LET TALK TO YOU LIKE THIS??? …Is Smalls being ungentle, unkind, uncaring?

1Cor.7.17 – You’ve been assigned! Your gender, your station, your genes, your moment in history, your character in the story, etc. Smalls is an Assignist! Pro-choice = The Maker’s choice to do the casting and assigning.

1Cor.15:58 – when and how do you apply this?

1Cor.9 (vv.12,15,18) – not making use of your rights!? Enduring anything?!? …You’d rather DIE than be deprived of your ground for boasting (?)!

Key questions to always be asking yourself (examination …discernment): 1Cor.10:23 (does this help? does this build-up?); 11:17 – when we come together – is it for the better or for the worse?; 12:7 – Is this a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good?

Assigned. Appointed. Arranged – – – The Maker has so composed the body – giving greater honor to the part(s) that lacked it.