
1120 of 28 items

Why Are These People Here!?

by Tyler Dirks

We often feel like people are “in our way.” Humans can be very inconvenient and irritating, there’s no doubt about it. Have you ever been annoyed with someone? Perhaps they were smacking their food while eating and it was irksome to you. Perhaps they were driving 10 miles an hour under the speed limit in […]


by Tyler Dirks

I have an addiction to self-righteousness. I am a recovering pharisee. God declares me “Not condemned!”, and yet like Satan I contend with God’s Word and endeavor to prosecute – without hesitation launching into my opening argument, “Did God really say?” How arrogant is that!? If God sez, “Not guilty” who am I to argue […]

Racial Reconciliation

by Tyler Dirks

Yesterday I studied the Bible with a man who doesn’t (physically) look like me. We are both of the same race (the human race), but our ethnicity is different. Also, our life experiences and cultures are a bit different. As we talked about what we see God saying to us in Scripture – our interpretations […]


by Christine Yost

It is sometimes said, “There is neither rhyme nor reason.” I feel that way about many things – mostly technology issues. But there are other things as well. For example, about 3 months ago I had a friend move in with me. Usually, that is not such a major event. But I had lived alone […]

Walking by Faith Through Suffering

by Tyler Dirks

I’ll admit it …I like John Piper. To be perfectly honest I agree with JP about a lot of things. I will not attempt to veil the fact that I regularly listen to the Ask Pastor John Podcast. Moreover, I will not deny that I found the most recent episode of the APJP to be […]

Abraham’s Offspring

by Tyler Dirks

In Acts 7 a guy named Stephen tells the story of Abraham’s Offspring. It’s a fascinating & lamentable anomaly of a story. It starts out with the God of Glory revealing Himself to a pagan fella named Abraham. God tells Abraham to leave the only land he’s ever known (leaving behind his family, friends, culture, […]

Ready to Die [nunc dimittis]

by Tyler Dirks

Well, it’s Christmas time! And of course that means we’re all ready to die. Right?   Christmas time and death? …What do these have in common? What is Tyler talking about? Has he gone cray cray?   …Has Tyler been overly-influenced by Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)? Is Tyler denouncing the consumerism commercialism […]

Love & Obedience

by Tyler Dirks

Do you like Science Fiction (why or why not)?  What do you make of Spiritual Warfare (what comes  to mind when you hear the words “Spiritual Warfare“?  How do you understand the premise and particulars of spiritual warfare?).  If you’re keen on developing a better understanding of The Great War, and if you fancy Science […]

Forgive Me For Asking

by Tyler Dirks

There’s a human being named Jason Petty (come to think of it – there’s probably a few people with that name).  He’s a rapper/spoken-word poet fella (alias Propaganda).  On his album Excellent there’s a track entitled “Forgive Me For Asking.”  Here’s how it goes: Question: (And this is embarrassing) You ever been scared you had […]

Dear Wormwood

by Tyler Dirks

It’s been a long time since the last blog post here on the ECPC website.  I know that all of you faithful blog readers have been going through withdrawals, but alas – here is a fresh blog post! Disclaimer:  blogging is not my “unique ability” (at least I don’t think it is …but one can […]