Posts from May 2017

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Who’s The Worst?

by Tyler Dirks

Once upon a time a perfect man walked the earth. He recruited to Himself some extremely imperfect followers. He was always feeding them humble pie, but somehow they habitually managed to conjure up arguments about “their own greatness.” In fact, they would often have debates with one another about which one of them was the […]

Be Present

by Tyler Dirks

As all of you know, I am a fan Jason Petty’s poetic work in general, and this particular composition registers acutely – causing me to consider one of the most pervasive, personal, and pastoral concerns of our epoch. SIMPLY PUT – – – > YOU ARE ADDICTED TO YOUR PHONE, AND IT’S HURTING YOUR FAMILY.  […]


by Tyler Dirks

A couple of days ago a friend of mine mentioned something about A.W. Tozer, and he asked if I had ever read The Pursuit of God. I said yes, but it had been a longtime ago. He commented that he had a desire to read that book, but had not made it a priority yet. […]


by Tyler Dirks

Joel wasn’t in the mood to go, but he didn’t want people to think he was lazy or negligent. So he found himself unenthusiastically attending the event. Once he arrived he quickly coerced himself into character; for though he denied it, he desperately craved the approval of the people gathered (even in spite of the […]

Why I Love My Church

by Christine Yost

I love my church because it makes a big deal about church membership and I need my brothers and sisters desperately. I love my church because it shows me God in all of His glory and it reminds me that I was made to live for such glory. I love my church because it clarifies […]