Posts from August 2018

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by Tyler Dirks

My friend Ray recently made a comment about revival that resonated with me. Ray said, “Revival isn’t when people outside the church get converted, it is when people inside the church get converted.” I know what it’s like to be an unbeliever. Not simply because I used to be an unbeliever, but because I still […]

Spiritual Warfare

by Tyler Dirks

Yesterday I received a call about an attack. I’m not talking about the kind of attack that you can physically see, quantify, and measure …I’m talking about a Real attack. We quickly called in the big guns, and then went to bed. I have been in communication with the Boss/BigGuns since last night, and the […]


by Tyler Dirks

I am currently preparing for a leadership retreat in September, and therefore I’ve been pouring over ECPC’s vision vocabulary (e.g. See. Savor. Serve. …Marriage, Family, Feasting). If I had to add two more “S” words I would choose “Steadfast” and “Style.” By steadfast I mean to emphasize the fact that, on one hand, we are […]


by Tyler Dirks

Something of a disconsolate mood has befallen me recently. Jeremiah’s experience with despondency has been a refuge for me. Jeremiah (amidst much dismay) says, “Your Words were found, and I ate them, and Your Words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O LORD, […]