Posts from July 2023

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Primary Stuff for Philemon, Onesimus, Barney’s Cousin & Others

by Tyler Dirks

I was imaginatively inhabiting Paul’s letters to the people in Colossae this morning. Philemon lived in Colossae! So when you imaginatively immerse yourself in Paul’s letter to Colossae you must also diligently envisage the rigors and jubilation of Philemon’s relationship with Paul and Onesimus! Moreover, the Laodicea community was 20km down the road from Colossae, […]

Incarnation Ink Invasion

by Tyler Dirks

Here’s the deal. God made the world, and then we said, “We’ll take it from here!” Things got bad. Shockingly, God didn’t give us the silent treatment. He mercifully gave us His Word! So we decided to become scholars of God’s Word. Not so much practitioners, but definitely scholars. We accumulated religious information, and we […]


by Tyler Dirks

Here’s a quotation from our friend Eugene about feelings… “My feelings are important for many things. They are essential and valuable. They keep me aware of much that is true and real. But they tell me next to nothing about God or my relation to God. My security comes from who God is, not from […]

Please Ponder

by Tyler Dirks

I ran across this small batch of quotations from our good buddy Eugene this morning. I now share them with you bloggy-blog readers, and I exhort and encourage you to mull them over for a minimum of 7 seconds 7 reps. “The assumption of spirituality is that always God is doing something before I know […]


by Tyler Dirks

Almost everyone I’ve crossed paths with in the past month has revealed in some way their desperate need for the substance and sentiment of the following quotation: “And yet I decide, every day, to set aside what I can do best and attempt what I do very clumsily–open myself to the frustrations and failures of […]