Posts from February 2025

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The Janitor

by Tyler Dirks

Once upon a time there was a janitor. This janitor worked at a hospital. This janitor was a highly esteemed and valued member of the hospital. This janitor worked harder than anyone! Even when the janitor had intense hardships happening in her life she always carved out time to serve others! Even when this janitor […]

Popularity vrs Joy (bemidbar)

by Tyler Dirks

When Jesus hung out with unpopular people (e.g. Samaritans [see John 4]) He did not call them “Satan,” but rather He was truly able to enjoy His experience with them. But whenever Jesus crossed paths with people trying to be popular, He did call them “Satan.” For instance, to the Pharisees Jesus says, “You are […]

Who Is He?

by Tyler Dirks

A couple of Sundays back, Brandon Hawkes came to the weekly gathering at 10101, and he invited us to imaginatively immerse ourselves in the scene where Jesus asks His followers, “Who do people say that I am?” And Jesus’ followers say, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of […]

Shocking Stuff In The Gospel of John

by Tyler Dirks

1:14 The Word became flesh! Really!? The eternal Word of God became flesh!? Really!? Who does that!? …Think about it! Really think about it! Think about being limitless! Think about being invulnerable! Then think about embracing limits! Think about embracing vulnerabilities! Really!? 1:14 The Word dwelt among us! Really!? Seriously!? Think about a wretched and […]