My buddy Roald wrote a story about a kid named Charlie. In the story Roald insinuates that Charlie is better off than four other kids (namely Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, and Mike Teavee).

I told Roald, “I acknowledge that Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, and Mike Teavee are bolshie, but you must see that they are nevertheless golden-ticketed guests of the Master Chocolate Maker, just like Charlie!

Roald gave me a quizzical look.

I said, “Here’s the deal… if you publish this story you will receive disgruntled messages from the parents of kids who resemble Augustus, Veruca, Violet, and Mike. They will say, ‘I know what you’re up to! I know that your description of “Veruca” is actually a portrayal of my daughter! I realize that “Veruca” is annoying, but “Charlie” isn’t perfect either! Just as “Charlie” needs grace, so does “Veruca”! And you must see that BOTH children are legitimate golden-ticketed guests of “Mr. Wonka”!’”

Roald simply maintained his quizzical countenance.

So you’re actually gonna go through with publishing this story – knowing that it will upset the parents of truculent children!?”

Roald offered me sly smirk.

Then Roald pulled a napkin out of his satchel and wrote something on it.

Roald handed me the napkin.

It said אַחְאָ֜ב.

Then I looked up, and Roald was gone.