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The Weight of Glory

by Tyler Dirks

I recently had a brilliant idea for a blog post. But I forgot what it was. I’m not sure if it would have solved majority of the world’s problems, but given the absurdity of most of my assumptions I am inclined to believe that it had great potential to remedy anywhere from .12% to 94.6% […]

Pray the Psalms! REALLY!?

by Tyler Dirks

I have often heard the leaders of ECPC say to people, “Pray the Psalms!” If you heed this counsel, you will find it fairly straight forward so long as you happen upon prayers like Psalm 5, wherein your participation involves personally adopting the words, “Through the abundance of Your steadfast love, I will enter Your […]

Blood That Speaks Better…

by Tyler Dirks

I had the privilege of baptizing Mason Smith yesterday. Naturally, for Presbyterian purposes, I wanted to work the word “sprinkle” into the baptism schpeel, and so I quoted from Hebrews 12:24 where it says, “Jesus, the Mediator of a New Covenant, and His sprinkled blood which speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.” […]


by Tyler Dirks

Over the past 6 years ECPC has many times wondered, debated, and wrestled with the question, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” And Christ’s prophetic and pastoral response has consistently been, “Unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child […]

Hungry For More!

by Tyler Dirks

It’s truly a dilemma. You feast on real food with your true siblings on Sundays, and then Monday rolls around and you’re hungry for more. What if told you that there was a guy named Brian who could hook you up with some Monday soul food? Check it out (skip to the 42 minute mark).

Judah, son of Leah (Part I)

by Tyler Dirks

The instinct to keep the shameful details of my story hidden was very strong. On some level, the decision to reveal the truth was (and is) a mystery to me. Certainly, there are moments when I wish people didn’t know; there are those who criticize and cast scorn, but even in receiving the contempt of […]

The Power of Humility

by Tyler Dirks

The older I get the more I see how hard it is for humans to get along. We fought with our siblings and neighborhood kids growing up, and we thought we’d outgrow our self-serving assumptions and temper tantrums …but as adults we are arguably worse! At least when we were kids we genuinely believed we […]

The Best Book On Preaching

by Tyler Dirks

Is “Telling the Truth: The Gospel As Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale” by Frederick Buechner. Fred says that the Gospel is “the fairy tale that is too good not to be true.” [Selah] Fred says that the truth is “high and wild and holy, but preachers often reduce homiletics to apologetics. Preachers exchange the fairy-tale […]

Chapter 8

by Tyler Dirks

I was recently reading an inspired and living letter where the letter’s author says, “There is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as a ransom for all.” So I thought, “What if people read this and get REALLY CURIOUS about the man Jesus […]