Christian Living

110 of 277 items

Cruella & Joash & Shrewdness

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine you are Joash. You’re an infant and your grandma tries to murder you![1] But thankfully your Auntie Jehosheba shrewdly steals you away and hides you from your bloodthirsty grandma.[2] You live in hiding for 6 years! When you’re 7 years old, a guy named Jehoiada shrewdly orchestrates a coup détat against your grandma by […]

Shrewdness [1]

by Tyler Dirks

Is there anything commendable in the following story?… “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was wasting his possessions. And he called him and said to him, ‘What is this that I hear about you? Turn in the account of your management, for you […]


by Tyler Dirks

The resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is PARAMOUNT! Our apostolic amigo – Paul of Tarsus – says, “I delivered to you as OF FIRST IMPORTANCE what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with […]

Shallow Reverence? Superficial Relationship?

by Tyler Dirks

I know a guy who really wants to be revered. His idea of reverence & respect is, “Thou shalt not disagree with me!” This guy cannot handle it when people disagree with him. When someone disagrees with this guy, he just stops talking to them. If a friend or family member exhibits raw emotion, or […]

Too Much T.V./TimeOnPhone

by Tyler Dirks

Last night I watched one episode of The Last Dance. Then I watched two episodes of Loki. Then I scrolled for 1.5 hours on my phone. That’s too much. I’m not going to get rid of my smartphone, and I’m not going to get rid of my television. However, it would be MUCH BETTER to […]


by Tyler Dirks

Awhile back I was having lunch with a friend. In the course of our conversation my friend mentioned that his dad would occasionally invite him to have breakfast in order to simply and sincerely listen to what he wanted to share. During these breakfast meetings nothing was out of bounds. Even if my friend’s thoughts […]


by Tyler Dirks

I have been pondering engrossment this week. We are all engrossed… In something. I was chatting with my friend Jordan a couple of days ago, and we were persuaded that it is best to be engrossed with the scandalous and mystical tales of God’s Word. To feel like you MUST imaginatively inhabit God’s active and […]

The Job of the Ordained Guys

by Tyler Dirks

Ordained leaders should joyfully embody the emphasis of 2 Corinthians 8:1-11; AND they should PUT POSITIVE PRESSURE on all the diákonos/followers of Jesus to SERVE as unordained / unofficial / informal INITIATIVE-TAKERS and bonafide laborers. In 2 Corinthians 8:1-11, the Apostle (i.e. ordained leader) Paul is NOT primarily taking responsibility for the work that needs […]

The Confederacy of the Humbled

by Tyler Dirks

I just finished listening to “A Gentleman In Moscow” last week. Then, this week, my buddy mentioned the quote below from “A Gentleman In Moscow“. So I take it as a sign that I’m supposed to copy and paste the quote on the ECPC blog —> The Confederacy of the Humbled is a close-knit brotherhood […]


by Tyler Dirks

Read 2 Kings 2:23-25. Then imagine asking Jesus of Nazareth, “What’s your interpretation and application of this anecdote?” (Luke 2:46-47; 24:27). ::: Elisha was traveling to the house of God He encountered a jeering small boy squad 42 they numbered Then the She-bears lumbered And upon the small boys they gnawed A limerick based on […]