Posts from October 2023

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Book Rec.

by Tyler Dirks

I was lead climbing with AK 2 weeks ago and he asked me, “Have you read the book How to Stay Married by Harrison Scott Key?” I said, “Luke Fawcett told me about HSC awhile back, and I devoured two of his memoirs! I especially enjoyed The World’s Largest Man (the memoir about his dad). […]

Samson Foreshadows Jesus!?

by Tyler Dirks

As you know …I believe that Rick Flair is Samson (son of Manoah) reincarnate. Just like Samson, Rick Flair is a libidinous hombre AND a blustering brawler! Samson & Rick are down-and-dirty ignominious fellows! …Like the Wu-Tang Clan! And as we all know, ‘Wu-Tang’ is an acronym for “Witty Unpredictable Talent And Natural Game” (aka […]

Eat This Book

by Tyler Dirks

I was recently chatting with Maria Frey about our buddy Eugene. We were specifically talking about Eugene’s good pastoral work in leading us to personally wrestle with God’s Word by forcing ourselves to paraphrase what God has told us (putting it into our own words) not in order to change what God said to accommodate […]

How Joy Works

by Tyler Dirks

Joy comes from looking at Jesus [Looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. *Hebrews 12:2]Joy comes from desperately depending upon Jesus [For thus says the […]