Posts by Tyler Dirks

110 of 439 items

Judah & Joseph [Genesis 49]

by Tyler Dirks

In Genesis 49 Jacob gathers all his sons to tell them what shall happen to them in days to come. Consider the overlap and continuity between Jacob’s words to Judah and Joseph… Judah, your brothers shall praise you;    your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies;    your father’s sons shall bow down before you.Judah is […]

Cruella & Joash & Shrewdness

by Tyler Dirks

Imagine you are Joash. You’re an infant and your grandma tries to murder you![1] But thankfully your Auntie Jehosheba shrewdly steals you away and hides you from your bloodthirsty grandma.[2] You live in hiding for 6 years! When you’re 7 years old, a guy named Jehoiada shrewdly orchestrates a coup détat against your grandma by […]

Shrewdness [1]

by Tyler Dirks

Is there anything commendable in the following story?… “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was wasting his possessions. And he called him and said to him, ‘What is this that I hear about you? Turn in the account of your management, for you […]


by Tyler Dirks

The resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is PARAMOUNT! Our apostolic amigo – Paul of Tarsus – says, “I delivered to you as OF FIRST IMPORTANCE what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with […]

Shallow Reverence? Superficial Relationship?

by Tyler Dirks

I know a guy who really wants to be revered. His idea of reverence & respect is, “Thou shalt not disagree with me!” This guy cannot handle it when people disagree with him. When someone disagrees with this guy, he just stops talking to them. If a friend or family member exhibits raw emotion, or […]

No Complaints

by Tyler Dirks

My friend Mark is always harping on how God uses non-Christians to speak truth. And I must say, I agree. There are so many instances in Scripture where God employs a pagan king to pull off something true, good, or beautiful. And there are even instances where God explicitly shames the covenant community by comparing […]

Killjoy or Real Joy?

by Tyler Dirks

So this morning’s meeting was pretty spicy! The meeting started with some decorous fellows accusing The Boss of being satanic. The Boss was having one of it! The Boss said, “I’m not satanic, you polished, courtly, well-bred fellows are satanic! I’m here to harass Satan! Which means, I’m here to harass you guys, because you’re […]

Too Much T.V./TimeOnPhone

by Tyler Dirks

Last night I watched one episode of The Last Dance. Then I watched two episodes of Loki. Then I scrolled for 1.5 hours on my phone. That’s too much. I’m not going to get rid of my smartphone, and I’m not going to get rid of my television. However, it would be MUCH BETTER to […]


by Tyler Dirks

crux | krəks, kro͝oks | noun | ˈkro͞osēz | ) (the crux) the decisive or most important point at issue. In my morning meeting with The Boss we talked about THE CRUX of God’s mission. Here’s how The Boss explained it: a paralyzed person was brought to The Boss, and The Boss said, “Your sins are forgiven.” Many of The Boss’s disciples said, “This is a hard saying; who can listen […]