Sermons from February 2017

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Jesus Is Better (Than You Think)


Sermon Text: Hebrews 8:1-13 Outline: Better Religion Better Relationship Reflection Questions: What are the things in your life that you’re “religious” about? What are your ritualistic tendencies? What are you “zealous” for? About what do you say “I’ve gotta have it”? In what ways are you investing your time/talents/treasure in the City of Man rather […]

Outta Nowhere!


Sermon Text: Hebrews 7:1-28 Outline: Greatness Out of Nowhere (vv.1-10) Perfection Out of Nowhere (vv.11-21) Permanent Pray-er Out of Nowhere (vv.22-28) Reflection Questions: Who is the greatest person you know? What makes them so great? What do you think they will do when they meet Jesus? Do you ever wonder, “Am I good enough?” or […]

All In


Sermon Text: Hebrews 6:1-20 Outline: Toddlers vs. Teachers (vv.1-3) Mere Tasters (vv.4-8) Mercy-made Heirs (vv.9-20) Reflection Questions: What is your picture/paradigm for maturity? Why? Read 1 Corinthians 3-4 and consider what would happen if you actually committed to what Paul is saying. If you actually receive this Word of Righteousness, what will it do to […]

The Great High Priest and His Mighty Mission of Weakness & Meekness


Sermon Text: Hebrews 4:14-5:14 Outline: The Mighty Mission of Weakness & Meekness Radical Sympathy Radical Submission Mealtime Reflection Questions: Does this sound like Good News to you? (why or why not): “The dirty, burdensome, bloody work of Another guarantees your salvation if you’re desperate enough to stake your entire life on Him.” Consider your most […]