Sermons from June 2017

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Live Alone By Mercy


Sermon Text: Psalm 51 Outline: Being Bothered by Yourself (vv.1-5) Being Renovated by God (vv.6-12) Being a Member of God’s Household (vv.13-19) Reflection Questions: Where have you recently seen in yourself the MASSIVE impulse to cover-up, downplay, or deny the bothersome and alarming things about yourself? Who really bothers you these days? How and why […]

Glaring at the Darkness


Sermon Text: Psalm 109 Outline: What is Wickedness? Dive into the Tension The Savior’s Scorn Reflection Questions: How would you define “Wickedness”? At its core, what is wickedness? Why is the lie of autonomy worth hating and cursing? The author of Psalm 109 is King David. David spent a significant portion of his life as […]

Relentless Faithfulness


Sermon Text: Psalm 89 Outline: Full Faithfulness (vv.1-14) A. Down & Dirty B. Dominate C. Deliberate Festal Shout (vv.15-37) The Focal Point & Foundation (vv.38-52) Reflection Questions: When you think of Relentless Faithfulness who (or what) comes to mind? How does your paradigm of faithfulness include getting down and dirty, dominion, and being deliberate? How […]