Sermons from February 2019

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Lord, Cure My Legalism!


Sermon Text: Titus 1:10-16 Outline: The Cretan Problem What Is Legalism? Self-righteousness Self-loathing The Cure Reflection Questions: Are you willing to do the hard work of self-examining your heart even though you won’t get any credit for it whatsoever? How have you poisoned yourself by playing the comparison game with others, whether you think yourself […]

In Every Town


Sermon Text: Titus 1:5-9 Outline: Where? What? Why? Reflection Questions: Who is the worst? Could they be your pastor one day? The preacher said, “The best thing about you is your appetite for Jesus.” Do you agree? Why or why not? The preacher said, “The most mature thing about any leader is their desperate dependence […]

Who Are We & What Are We About?


Sermon Text: Titus 1:1-4 Outline: Servant Striving For Sons Reflection Questions: What do you do? What are you passionate about? Why? Do you feel secure and content with your status? Why or why not? How is your faith (see Hebrews 11 for specifics) growing these days? What is godliness? What is truth that accords with […]

Always On Mission

    [2 Timothy 4:9-22]   I.  TIMOTHY COME QUICKLY      II. THE LORD STOOD BY ME   COMFORT   CALL TO ACTION       Reflection Questions What are you ‘All About’? Why? What do you enlist others to get involved with? Who have you deserted? Why? [e.g. Mark, Demas, etc.] Does the […]