People are sick and tired of being mindless consumers.
You say, “No they’re not …people love mindless consumption.”
People say that they “love it” but actually they are woebegone. Watching hour after unnecessary hour of television. Forcing ourselves to stay awake – when we know for a fact that we’re tired and our bodies need sleep – in order that we might consume just a few more nuggets of fleeting internet amusement. Sociologists are starting to sound like broken records as they all begin to realize and thoroughly diagnose that facebook (though its mission statement is: to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected) is actually making us unhappy, sad, and miserable.
People have been conditioned to simplistically show up to church “hoping” to be entertained, while in reality they long to use their gifts and passions as vital members of the bride and body of Jesus Christ. We are a consumer culture and many churches have immersed themselves in the predominant cultural consumer current. Many churches have constructed arenas, and they have installed the “cheap seats” superficially expecting masses to show up and merely sit there while the paid professionals, and specialists, and sexy staff members show us “how it’s done.”
This does not dignify people.
God has made all people in His own image, and therefore all people have gifts and desires to work, and cultivate, and create, and contribute. Yes – we must consume, this is essential because we are creatures and needy sinners who fundamentally RECEIVE our righteousness and recompense direct from our Creator and Savior. But as recipients of God’s grace – our growth in that grace indispensably entails good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
As a new church – we have a unique opportunity, not simply to invite people to attend church, but to contribute as well! We sincerely need their help! This is flattering …this is dignifying – to be asked to help when your help is actually needed. Your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, your acquaintances have passion for children, music, and even roadies work, etc.. People like to feel useful and helpful. Jesus was letting us in on a pretty rudimentary secret when He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” [Acts 20:35].
If you’re looking for a strategic way to invite people to come and be involved and invested in East CLT Pres. then try something like this,
“We are part of a new church in East CLT, and we could really use your help. Would you be interested in coming to help us set-up this Sunday?”
I trust that God is putting folks in our lives that He may very well be drawing to Himself in & through inviting them to use their gifts and passions in acts of service.