Sunday Worship

April 28th, 2024


“Difficult Friendships”

Colossians 4:10-11

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. Substantial Differences
  2. Shared Suffering
  3. Admit You’re Wrong
  4. Being a ‘Nobody’

Reflection Questions:

  1. Read through Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia. Underline all Paul’s comments about “the men from James” or “the circumcision party,” and notice how intensely Paul disagrees with them. What group do you intensely disagree with like this? Do you have any friends who belong to that group?
  2. Do you think people subscribe to algorithms that simply reinforce what they already think, and tell them what they want to hear? Do you think you do this?
  3. Have you ever experienced unity with someone (specifically someone you disagree with) through shared suffering?
  4. When was a time you enjoyed the exhilarating freedom of admitting you were wrong?
  5. When was a time you enjoyed the substantive shalom of being “a nobody?”