Mark: Who Do You Say That I Am?

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Fall 2014 sermon series in the Gospel of Mark

The Almighty


Sermon Text: Mark 5 Reflection Questions: When, or where, would you NOT want Jesus to be present?  When, or where, would the presence of Jesus be disruptive to your life?  How has Jesus encroached on your preferences? In Mark 5:17 the Gerasene community begs Jesus to depart from their region.  Why do they want Jesus […]

The Cultivator


Sermon Text: Mark 4 Reflection Questions: How are your “roots”? In what are you rooted? Are the roots deep enough? Are your gospel roots being choked out by the cares of the world? How have you been exposed by Jesus? How have you exposed Him to others? What fruit is the Lord causing to grow […]

Jesus Is Lord


Sermon Text: Mark 3 Reflection Questions: What does Jesus gotta do for you in order to make you happy? Where do you trust your expectations more than Jesus as Lord? If you were to be honest with yourself – how, and/or when, do you accuse Jesus?  How are your accusations against Jesus rooted in your […]

The Great Physician


Sermon Text: Mark 2 Reflection Questions: What “really bothers” you? Why is it so problematic?  How does this “problem” threaten or assault your sense of control, or your “sacred” expectations? Who do you see as the really bad people in our culture? Do you think God would be friends with those people? …why or why […]