Most of the time I like to listen to audiobooks or podcasts when I run. However, from time to time I prefer music; and this morning the music was made by an artist named Jason Petty (a.k.a. Propaganda). I invite you to savor some of his lyrics – – – >
I don’t why, still I try
To wrap my mind around You
Your thoughts are higher, Your ways are better
And I’m in awe
So bring me up to where You are
Bring me up to where You are
But worth, value, and beauty is not determined by some innate quality
But by the length for which the owner would go to possess them
And broken and ugly things just like us are stamped “Excellent”
With ink tapped in wells of divine veins
A system of redemption that could only be described as perfect
A seal of approval, fatal debt removal
Promised, prominent, perfect priest
Brilliant designed system, redemption for our kinsmen
Can only be described as perfect with excellent execution
And I’m in awe, the only one truly excellent
The only source of excellence
We are declared excellent only by his decree with his system
The only accurate response is awe
So we make lofty art
See the presence of good art will unconsciously refine a community
And poor art will do an incalculable harm
Only accomplished in the light of his excellency
It’s too high, it’s lofty
I don’t why, still I try
To bring something of worth
My words are fleeting
They’re flawed, depleting
And you’re leaving me in awe
Bring me up to where You are, God
P.S. If you endeavor to cultivate childlike curiosity (i.e. a mature, meaty, relationship with God), and find yourself increasingly agreeing with, and in awe of, God’s decision to adopt unto Himself, and envelope into His eternal oneness a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” And if you agree with, and enjoy, God’s decision to show special favor to underprivileged and under-resourced folks in society (e.g. widows, orphans, and slaves/sojourners/immigrants) then perhaps you will be edified by this humanizing and dignifying ditty by Petty.