Ordained leaders should joyfully embody the emphasis of 2 Corinthians 8:1-11; AND they should PUT POSITIVE PRESSURE on all the diákonos/followers of Jesus to SERVE as unordained / unofficial / informal INITIATIVE-TAKERS and bonafide laborers.

In 2 Corinthians 8:1-11, the Apostle (i.e. ordained leader) Paul is NOT primarily taking responsibility for the work that needs to get done; but rather he is putting positive pressure on the people in Corinth to take initiative, responsibility, and risks – to carry out the necessary work.

We often fail to grasp this. So let me say it again… The Apostle (i.e. ordained leader) Paul is NOT primarily taking responsibility for the work that needs to get done; but rather he is putting positive pressure on non-ordained people to take initiative, responsibility, and risks – to carry out the necessary work.

Now, notice HOW Paul does this.

He does not grumble against the people of Corinth, and tell them to “Do better.”

He does not guilt the people of Corinth into serving.

He doesn’t argue from a position of obligation or duty.

Paul first POINTS the Corinthians to people who are LIVING THE MOST COMMENDABLE PARADIGM for taking initiative, responsibility, and risk …THE MACEDONIANS.


The Corinthians must be HELPED BY THE MACEDONIANS.

Which is surprising, because…

The Macedonians are severely afflicted and extremely impoverished.

But they’re not lazy panhandlers; but rather they are like sojourners and refugees. Even though the Macedonians have a history of severe affliction and extreme poverty …THEY OVERFLOW IN A WEALTH OF GENEROSITY WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF JOY! (like the way Bob & Kelly Stevens bring amazing food stuffs to 10101 on Sunday mornings from time-to-time!).

They give, and they serve, according to their means, and BEYOND their means!

And they don’t serve like this because they feel obligated, or because they need to feel included, or because they need to feel useful, or because they want credit, or gratitude, or a sense of importance, or recognition.

They simply do it of their own accord (like the way a child wants to eat ice cream …it’s simply the joy set before them. No credit is desired or needed for eating ice cream).

But a child will BEG to eat ice cream.

And that’s how the Macedonians are when it comes to serving and giving beyond their means, THEY BEG EARNESTLY for the favor of taking part in BIGTIME initiative-taking, and responsibility-taking, and risk-taking, and deaconing (without ever being ordained as deacons, they simply can’t stop wanting to do the work of serving/deaconing).

And they don’t do this just a little bit, they are always giving themselves to serving others, excelling more and more and more and more in acts of grace. And they don’t just give resources, they give themselves!

For instance, if you need food – the Macedonians will show up with groceries, and then they will participate with you (joyfully) in the process of chopping veggies, and mixing ingredients, and stirring sauces, and grilling the meats; and then they will sit with you (purposefully unrushed) and enjoy the meal with you (and after the unhurried meal, they will stay and participate in the clean up activities).

And NONE of this is a command! All of this is of your own accord. No one is voluntelling you to do this. Positive pressure? Yes! But if you find yourself serving, it’s because YOU CHOSE TO SERVE! …If serving/deaconing is a crime, then you’re being brought up on charges! You’re “guilty” of serving! You can’t say, “The leaders made me do it!”

You serve of your own accord because you simply and genuinely love people. You do it because of the WAY Jesus loves you! You do it because you have experienced the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ – and you steward the mystery that though He was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich. You serve without any need for recognition (or thanks) because you believe in the BENEFITS of simply following the servant King. And your readiness in desiring is matched by your completely completing the mission to love others as Jesus has loved you! [see also Philippians 2:1-11]