In my morning meeting with The Boss – He told me a couple of stories.
The first story was about how some elders came to Jesus pleading with Him to visit a powerful and popular guy in their community. The elders said, “This guy is WORTHY of a personal visit, because he loves our nation, and he donated lots of money to build our church facilities!” Then the popular powerful guy sent some of his servants to Jesus saying, “Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I AM NOT WORTHY to have you come under my roof. But simply send me Your authoritative Word! I am a man who understands authoritative words! When I tell my servants to do something, they do it! I say, ‘Go,’ and they go; I say, ‘Come,’ and they come.” When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at the man’s comprehension and assimilation of unworthiness and the power of His Word! And Jesus said, “You elders don’t grasp the truth about worthiness or the power of My Word, but this guy does!”
The second story was about the world’s most passionate proselytizer for Jesus, and how he came to a point in his life where he wondered… “Is Jesus really the Messiah? What if He isn’t? Perhaps I should shop around for a better Messianic option.” Jesus’ response to this man’s doubt was to say, “I’m not engaging in earthly politics; and I’m not primarily here to address social issues or inequity. All the nations are as nothing before Me, they are accounted by Me as less than nothing and emptiness. I find your engrossment in politics, materialism, estate disputes, celebrity-ism, comparisonism, gossip, earthly power, affluence, carnal status, and social fixations onerous and laughable. I hang out with outcasts, rejects, outsiders, and outlaws. And here’s the GREATEST BEATITUDE –> blessed is the one who is not offended by Me.”