Interviewer: Where are you from?
Widow: Zarephath.
Interviewer: Tell me what happened.
Widow: I was gathering sticks to make a fire to cook one last meager meal for my son and myself before we died of starvation, and this rando guy shows up demanding that I feed him.
Interviewer: Did you feed the rando guy?
Widow: I explained our situation to the rando, but he said, “Don’t be afraid, do as I say. First make me some food, and then make some food for you and your son.”
Interviewer: What did you do!?
Widow: I did what the rando guy said.
Interviewer: You did what the rando said!?
Widow: Yup.
Interviewer: Really!!??!!??
Widow: Yup.
Interviewer: How’d that work out for you?
Widow: Great!
Interviewer: How so?
Widow: The rando guy said that we would magically – all of a sudden – have plenty of food …and we did!
Interviewer: Really!!??
Widow: Yup.
Interviewer: Hmmm…
Widow: And you know what else?
Interviewer: What?
Widow: After this magical mondo food event, my son became ill, and his illness was so severe that there was no breath left in him. And I verbally assaulted the rando guy!
Interviewer: You verbally assaulted the rando guy!?
Widow: Yup.
Interviewer: What did you say?
Widow: I said, “What have you against me! You have come here to bring my sin to remembrance and shame me and condemn me and judge me and punish me by killing my son!”
Interviewer: Wow! You really said that to the rando guy?!
Widow: I did.
Interviewer: And what did the rando guy say?
Widow: He said, “Give me your son.”
Interviewer: Really!? Your son’s killer had the audacity to ask for the body of your son!?
Widow: Yeah.
Interviewer: What did you do???
Widow: I gave him the body of my son.
Interviewer: Really!!!???/!!!!
Widow: Yup.
Interviewer: Wow! I find this hard to believe.
Widow: Believe it Jack!
Interviewer: Then what happened?
Widow: The rando guy called up his Boss and said, “Have You brought calamity even upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by killing her son!?!? …Please let this child’s life come into him again!” And the rando guy’s Boss did what the rando guy asked! And my son came back to life!
Interviewer: I don’t believe you. This story is nuts!
Widow: Believe it Jack!