On the Ides of March Brandon Hawkes was deployed by the Almighty to serve us a portion of God’s Word emphasizing God’s desire for us to ASK Him for provisions and the promise of The Holy Spirit. *If you haven’t already savored the meal God served us through His servant Brandon, then I exhort you to do so by clicking this link. Today, March 18, 2020 I received a request from our grandmother church (Christ Covenant Church in Matthews NC) inviting us to ACT on what God told us to do on the Ides of March 2020. Amidst the inescapable circumstances of Covid-19, and waiting and watching for God in the ICU of Boston Children’s Hospital, we are compelled to BE STILL and know that God is LORD Almighty, and an infinitely affectionate Abba, Father. I am asking God for help, and for His mercy to be miraculously manifest for my son Winston this week, and along with those requests I now ask, seek, and knock with the following requests of God for ECLT as well:
1. Please pray that all the sundry members of the ECPC flock would be inescapably enveloped (now and always) in the authoring and perfecting workmanship of our almighty Abba, and that our Heavenly Father would specifically author and perfect in us an indelible gift of trusting in the Lord with all our hearts, and leaning not on our own understanding, and that in ALL our ways (all circumstances, all decision-making, etc.) we would be most committed and attentive to acknowledging, and exercising our awe at, God our Father; genuinely and greatly trusting that He WILL make our path straight.
2. Please pray that God would give all the members of ECPC an immutably voracious hunger for the Word of God. Pray that the Words of Luke 16:29-31 would flood the minds and imaginations of ECLT, prevailing over every thought, word, and deed of our community in such a way that Covid-19 preoccupations would be like a flake of snow in summer compared to our obsession with the Word of God.
3. Finally, please pray for God’s mercy to be manifest in miraculous ways – specifically in fixating the communities of ECLT (all the people of various tribes, tongues, and ethnicities) on the precious steadfast love of God, and that God would cause us to deeply and genuinely take refuge in the shadow of His wings (and that we would assuredly know that we have indeed taken refuge in the shadow of His wings). That we would feast on the abundance of God’s house, and drink from the river of God’s delights. And that we would KNOW more firmly than anything else we know (or imagine to know) that with God we have the fountain of life; and in His light do we see light.
Please God, our Heavenly Father, hear these requests and respond with haste! Amen.