1. In the preface to the book of church order it says, “Jesus Christ, upon whose shoulders the government rests, whose name is called Wonderful, Counselor…” Really think about this! Jesus is regarded and esteemed as Wonderful, Counselor!?!? That means, when Jesus alludes to the sins of paralyzed people (which strikes most people as tactless and insensitive), He’s being Wonderful, Counselor! When Jesus tells the lady with a history of failed marriages to “go and get your husband,” and she clearly signals that she’s not interested in talking about her past relationships, and then Jesus says, “let’s stop pretending …let’s talk freely about your failed marriages, and let’s openly acknowledge that you’re not currently coping with your shame in a healthy way” …He’s being Wonderful, Counselor! This is edgy. Kinda like House M.D.; a bit brusque, like The Count of Monte Cristo …it is a counseling style that is steeped in deep deep sympathy, and acute Château d’If suffering.
  2. Also in the preface to the book of church order it says, “Jesus is Apostle, Teacher, Pastor, Minister, Bishop and the only Lawgiver in Zion.” So, according to The PCA Book of Church Order, ECPC has an Apostle and a Bishop!!! For real! And Zion! The BCO mentions how Jesus is the Bossman of Zion! “…Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”
  3. Also in the preface to the book of church order it says, “Christ, as King, has given to His Church à officers, oracles, and ordinances.” First off, I appreciate the fact that the BCO offers some baller alliteration. Secondly, I appreciate the fact that the BCO recognizes that Jesus gives us oracles! It feels like we don’t use the word “oracle” enough, and it’s nice to see it being used. And more importantly, let’s bask in the reality of these mystical oracles that Jesus insists on giving us!   
  4. Also in the preface to the book of church order it says, “Since the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven, He is present with the Church by His Word & Spirit!” He ascended to heaven! AND, He’s present with us! This makes us sound crazy, but this is what we believe to be true! We really, actually, honestly, truly believe that Jesus is present with us BY imaginatively inhabiting the stories, poems, prophecies, oracles and imagery of Scripture, and BY the mystery presence of an invisible person named Holy Spirit!