1:14 The Word became flesh! Really!? The eternal Word of God became flesh!? Really!? Who does that!? …Think about it! Really think about it! Think about being limitless! Think about being invulnerable! Then think about embracing limits! Think about embracing vulnerabilities! Really!?

1:14 The Word dwelt among us! Really!? Seriously!? Think about a wretched and depraved place. Think about a wretched and depraved people. Now think about deliberately dwelling amongst those people!Think about Nazareth! Seriously! Nazareth! …Can anything good come out of Nazareth!? 1:46

2:15-19 Think about walking into a place of decorum. Think about mingling with people of supreme etiquette. You have to mind your manners at a place like this! You have to be polished and well bred to be amongst such society. Now imagine destroying the decorous atmosphere! Imagine you start flipping tables! Imagine you start whip’n these genteel homo sapiens! And then imagine saying, “I will destroy this place, and in three days I will raise it up.” !!?!? Really!? Seriously!?

2:24-25 Jesus did not entrust Himself to people because He knew what was in people. Seriously!? What is in us? This is INCREDIBLY offensive! Is Jesus trying to hurt our feelings? …3:19 People loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. Really!? Our works are evil!? Don’t you see how offensive this is!? Seriously!?

3:12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? Seriously!? Really!? Wow! I just… I mean… Is Jesus saying that we are dim-witted and/or unenlightened? Wow!? I just…

3:14 As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Really!? The serpent in the wilderness was a symbol of cursedness! Is Jesus saying that He intends to become a towering symbol of cursedness!?!?

3:17 God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world. …3:18 But whoever does not believe in Him is condemned already. Really!? Wow!? Ok! Seriously!? Whoever doesn’t believe in Jesus is condemned!? Really!? Don’t you see how offensive that is!? Wow!?

3:22 Jesus went into the countryside and He remained there… Really!? Seriously!? Don’t you realize how irrelevant you will be if you go into the countryside and remain there!? Come on!? I mean!?

4:4 Jesus had to pass through Samaria. Really!? He had to? He HAD to!? Really!? …People have been successfully avoiding Samaria for decades! Come on!? Seriously!?

4:16 Jesus said, “Go, call your husband.” Really!? Wow!? This lady is very very sensitive about this subject. This lady is riddled with shame about her ‘husband history.’ Come on!? Really!? How insensitive to bring this up! Come on! Really!?

4:17-18 Jesus said, “You are right in saying, ‘I have not husband’; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.” Really!? Come on! Really!? How rude! There even seems to be a strand of snideness in that last statement “What you have said is true.” Come on!?! Seriously!?

4:29 “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” Really!? This lady isn’t repulsed by Jesus!? This woman is spiritually assaulted by Jesus, and she welcomes it!? Really!? Seriously!? This lady celebrates the invasion of Jesus!? Really!? Wow!? …And then this lady invites everyone she has been hiding from to come and allow themselves to be exposed by Jesus, and to be curious about the fact that He is probably THE SAVIOR of the world!? Really!? REALLY!?

5:39-40 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me that you may have life. …5:46 If you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote of Me. Really!? Seriously!? It’s ALL about Jesus!? Really!? Jesus is unabashedly telling us that we must see that – IT’s ALL ABOUT HIM!? …Is Jesus implying that we must decrease, and that He must increase!? Is this egomania!? Seriously!? I mean… Come on!?

5:41 I do not receive glory from people. Really!? Come on! Really!? We all receive glory from people! This is what we live for! This is what we kill for! Come on!? Seriously!?

5:44 How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God? Come on! Seriously!? Seriously!? So what!? So what that I want everyone to like me, and applaud me, and celebrate me, and adore me! You’re gonna make me feel like I’m wrong just because I seek the glory that comes from mortals!? Come on! Seriously!? Seriously!?

5:45 I don’t accuse you, but Moses (upon whom you have set your hope) accuses you. Really!? Moses is going to accuse me!? Come on!? Seriously!? Seriously!?

6:15 Perceiving then that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by Himself. Really!? Jesus declined being made king!? Seriously!?Really!? And Jesus withdrew to a mountain by Himself!? Seriously!? Don’t you realize how irrelevant you will be if you go to the mountains by yourself!?!? Seriously!? Come on!?

6:41 People grumbled about the stuff Jesus was saying. Yeah! I’m not surprised!

6:51 I came to feed y’all. I’m gonna give y’all bread! My flesh! …6:54 Feed on my flesh! …6:55 My flesh is true food. …6:56 Feed on My flesh and drink My blood. Really!? Seriously!? Seriously!?

6:60 People came to Jesus and said, “This is hard stuff to hear! Who can listen to you talk like this!?”

6:61 Do y’all grumble about what I’m saying? Do y’all take offense at what I’m telling you? Really!? Is Jesus really putting this question to us!? Is it not obvious that what He’s saying is very very offensive? Is Jesus really inviting us to be critical of ourselves for being offended by what He’s saying!? Really!? Seriously!? Seriously!? Seriously!? Seriously!?