Sunday Worship
July 14th, 2024
“God Comforts”
Nehemiah 1:1-4
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- Down and Dirty Details
- Deep Down
- Do What?
Reflection Questions:
- When was a time you experienced strange comfort? (i.e. something that doesn’t seem like it would comfort actually brought you much comfort).
- How have you truly felt the down and dirty details of Scripture (e.g. David’s affair with Bathsheba and murder of her husband)? How has this prompted you to truly wrestle with the down and dirty details of your life?
- How do you feel about the fact that God leads you into places of deep darkness (e.g. Psalm 88:18)?
- How do you feel about God’s mysterious and confounding plan for producing comfort and fruitfulness (see John 12:24)?