Sermons from October 2016

14 of 5 items

Broken By God, Blessed By God


Sermon Text: Joel 2:1-32 Outline: Problem (vv.1-11) Penitence (vv.12-17) Promise (vv.18-32) Reflection Questions: What is your initial response to God claiming all of the destruction in v.1-11 as His own doing? How do you respond when God strips something away from you? Are there things in your life right now which look like problems, but […]

What’s God Got To Do With It?


Sermon Text: Joel 1:1-20 Outline: Warning (vv.1-5) Weeping (vv.5-13) Wake Up! (vv.13-20) Reflection Questions: What are some specific things that you are passing on to those with whom you have great influence (i.e. your spouse, kids, friends)? What are your “numbing agents”? What do you think God is telling you about them? What causes you […]



Sermon Text: Habakkuk 3:1-19 Outline: Remember (vv.1-15) Resolve (vv.16-19) Reflection Questions: What is one very memorable moment of disequilibrium in your life? What reports have you heard about God? Which stories of Scripture do you rigorously remember (specifically stories that cause you to relish who God is, and savor the way He does what He […]



Sermon Text: Habakkuk 2:1-20 Outline: Clarity & Confidence (vv.1-4) Consumed By Cravings (vv.4-20) Reflection Questions: Within the last 3 months how has God reminded you of how small and limited you are? Where & when do you find yourself being dominated by impatience? Where & when do you find yourself trying to take matters into […]