Sermons by Rev. Jason Piteo

14 of 59 items

Associate Pastor

Magnify the Lord


Sermon Text: Luke 1:46-56 Sermon Outline: Savoring the Story Confronting the Cornerstone Fruit of Faithfulness   Reflection Questions: What is the refrain of your life? If someone were describing you, what would they say you’re all about? How are you plagued by the sin of pride? What does it look like for you to exercise […]

Can I Be Certain?


Sermon Text: Luke 1:1-4 Outline: Is Scripture reliable? Is Luke reliable? Is Jesus reliable? Reflection Questions: How have you, in effect, created your own Bible, selectively choosing what you want it to say? Which part of Jesus’ story is most compelling to you? About what part of Jesus’ life do you wish you knew more? […]

Lord, Cure My Legalism!


Sermon Text: Titus 1:10-16 Outline: The Cretan Problem What Is Legalism? Self-righteousness Self-loathing The Cure Reflection Questions: Are you willing to do the hard work of self-examining your heart even though you won’t get any credit for it whatsoever? How have you poisoned yourself by playing the comparison game with others, whether you think yourself […]

Wield the Word


Sermon Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Outline: Preach the Word (vv.1-5) Keep the Faith (vv.6-8) Reflection Questions: How is the Word of God stirring you out of complacency and into action? What is your role in the mission of God? How has he situated and deployed you in his kingdom-building business? What makes you keenly aware […]