Sermons from May 2019

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Who Was the First to Know?


Sermon Text: Luke 2:8-20 Sermon Outline: The “Unimportant” Good News of Great Joy for All People Treasure It Reflection Questions: God made “unimportant” people the first carriers of the most important birth announcement in the history of the universe. WHO do you pay attention to? WHO do you ignore? WHO do you need to start […]

The Master at Work


Sermon Text: Luke 2:1-7 Sermon Outline: Inconvenient Invitation Inventive Reflection Questions: What’s a recent inconvenience that God ordained for you to experience? How have you gotten to know God better amidst inconvenience? What peculiarity of God’s methods have you begun to acquire a taste for?

What’s On Your Mind?


Sermon Text: Luke 1:67-80 Sermon Outline: I. Wondering at God’s Wife II. Wondering Amidst Waiting and Weakness III. In Awe of Atonement Reflection Questions: What do you make of God’s choice of wife? Where does your mind go in moments of weakness and waiting? Where does your mind go when you are being attacked and […]

When God Breaks In


Sermon Text: Luke 1:57-66   Sermon Outline: What Happens When God Breaks In What It Feels Like Why It’s Good News   Reflection Questions: Often we try and fit God into our agenda, rather than get on board with his. How do you see this to be true in your life? It can be extremely […]