Sunday Worship

January 19th, 2025


“Godly Grief”

Nehemiah 9:1-5

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. Not Penance
  2. Unique Freedom
  3. longing

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the tyranny of penance linger in your life?
  2. When was a time you embraced the unique and emphatic freedom of admitting that you were wrong/wretched/villainous? (see 1Tim.1:15; Rom.7:24)?
  3. When was a time when you experienced godly grief?
  4. What spiritual disciplines (e.g. fasting, wearing sackcloth, putting dirt on your head, etc.) might you make use of to cultivate healthy longing? (check out the first paragraph or two of 2 Corinthians 5, and Matthew 9:15b).
  5. What books, films, or songs have especially helped you long for a better country (see Hebrews 11:16)?