Sunday Worship
January 19th, 2025
“Godly Grief”
Nehemiah 9:1-5
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- Not Penance
- Unique Freedom
- longing
Reflection Questions:
- How does the tyranny of penance linger in your life?
- When was a time you embraced the unique and emphatic freedom of admitting that you were wrong/wretched/villainous? (see 1Tim.1:15; Rom.7:24)?
- When was a time when you experienced godly grief?
- What spiritual disciplines (e.g. fasting, wearing sackcloth, putting dirt on your head, etc.) might you make use of to cultivate healthy longing? (check out the first paragraph or two of 2 Corinthians 5, and Matthew 9:15b).
- What books, films, or songs have especially helped you long for a better country (see Hebrews 11:16)?