Sunday Worship
June 9th, 2024
“I Want You To Want To”
Philemon 8-18
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- Paradox
- Practicality
- Personal Favor
- Ponder
Reflection Questions:
- When was a time God wanted you to do something extremely weak and foolish— AND God really wanted you to WANT to do it?
- Have you ever been nervous to share a deep heartfelt desire with someone? Did your instincts tell you to “hide” or “keep things superficial” because you feared dismissal, downplaying, rationalizing or rejection?
- What’s a social norm that feels stifling and unfitting to you? Where have you experienced the freedom of finding a better fit (e.g. not attending college in favor of a trade; or rejecting religious decorum in favor of working with ‘dirty Samaritans’)?
- Have you ever wanted to do something lavish or audaciously generous for someone because you really enjoyed that person?
- When was a time you wanted to do something because it put you closer to the ACTION of God’s profound and risky workmanship (e.g. think of Esther or Ruth)?