Sunday Worship

June 9th, 2024


“I Want You To Want To”

Philemon 8-18

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. Paradox
  2. Practicality
  3. Personal Favor
  4. Ponder

Reflection Questions:

  1. When was a time God wanted you to do something extremely weak and foolish— AND God really wanted you to WANT to do it?
  2. Have you ever been nervous to share a deep heartfelt desire with someone? Did your instincts tell you to “hide” or “keep things superficial” because you feared dismissal, downplaying, rationalizing or rejection?
  3. What’s a social norm that feels stifling and unfitting to you? Where have you experienced the freedom of finding a better fit (e.g. not attending college in favor of a trade; or rejecting religious decorum in favor of working with ‘dirty Samaritans’)?
  4. Have you ever wanted to do something lavish or audaciously generous for someone because you really enjoyed that person?
  5. When was a time you wanted to do something because it put you closer to the ACTION of God’s profound and risky workmanship (e.g. think of Esther or Ruth)?