Sunday Worship

August 4th, 2024


“And So It Begins”

Nehemiah 2:9-16

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. Bad Secrets
  2. Good Secrets

Reflection Questions:

  1. Go to and search “Eliashib” and notice all the references to this guy in the book of Nehemiah. Do you trust this guy? How do you feel about him in chapter 3? How do you feel about him in chapter 13?
  2. Who is like Eliashib in your life in 2024—someone you’re close to, but clearly they have bad secrets and you can’t really trust them?
  3. How do you feel about the shrewdness and secrecy of Jesus of Nazareth?
  4. How do you feel about the most powerful secret of all? …The secret power, and unparalleled freedom, of embracing John 4:29 and Matthew 9:13?