Sunday Worship

August 6th, 2023


“Are You Listening?”

Judges 13:15-25

Mr. Austin Cassel


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. Clear Communication
  2. The Pleasing Offering
  3. The Arrival

Reflection Questions:

  1. What does communication with God look like for you? What about your communication changes when you face uncertainty?
  2. Read Matt. 6:5-14. What is easy/hard/exciting/scary to pray about?
  3. What does it feel like to know God hears and answers all our prayers – yet not always how we would expect them to be answered?
  4. What are some similarities you see between the announcement of Samson’s birth and the announcement of Jesus’ birth?
  5. How has God communicated to you the guarantee of His promise, that repenting sinners are redeemed through the blood of Christ? How are you reminded of this unshakeable truth?