Sunday Worship
November 8st, 2020
“How Real Is The Resurrection?”
Luke 20:27-40
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Recorded Worship Service Audio – (40m:00s)
Sunday Worship Live Stream @ 9am // 11am
- The worship service live stream will begin approximately 5-10 minutes prior to 9am and will stay live until after the 11am.
- If you experience streaming issues, try refreshing your browser and restarting the player stream. This should fix most issues.
- If you miss the live stream, it will eventually be loaded onto the main youtube channel: Past Recordings
Children’s Sermon Notes – Luke
Sermon Outline:
- Now
- Forever
Reflection Questions:
- Considering some of the choices people make – actually believing in resurrection life [e.g. Heb.11] – what are you specifically uneasy about considering what you might choose to do if you actually believed in resurrection power?
- You are regularly unsettled by what gets reported in the news, and what’s said on social media (because you believe it’s really real). When was a time you were deeply unsettled by something that God showed you in Scripture?
- When was a time you superficially appealed to Scripture simply to endorse your preference?
- When was a time you experienced the Bible to be an active and living book …a story that actually impacted your real life and forced you into a realm that felt reckless and risky?
- How does the fact that God really really WANTS you to be fully alive, and fully WITH HIM forever – impact the way you react to the nonsense and unpleasantness of this present age?