Sunday Worship
July 24th, 2022
“It’s The Craziest Thing!”
Jonah 3:1-5
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- God Is Still Employing Jonah
- Jonah Is Lukewarm
- The Ninevites Are Receptive
Reflection Questions
- As you reflect on church history (including your life), when was a time where you wondered, “Why is God still employing delinquents as ambassadors of His Kingdom?”
- God tells His bride in Laodicea, “Because you are neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” In what ways are you currently lukewarm?
- Read Numbers 14. Who do you need to humbly and zealously intercede for?
- Who do you personally know who resembles the Ninevites?
- When was a time you experienced the JOY of godly grief producing repentance leading to salvation without regret (see 2 Corinthians 7)?