Sunday Worship

July 24th, 2022


“It’s The Craziest Thing!”

Jonah 3:1-5

Rev. Tyler Dirks



2022-07-24 Worship Guide


Sermon Outline:

  1. God Is Still Employing Jonah
  2. Jonah Is Lukewarm
  3. The Ninevites Are Receptive

Reflection Questions

  1. As you reflect on church history (including your life), when was a time where you wondered, “Why is God still employing delinquents as ambassadors of His Kingdom?”
  2. God tells His bride in Laodicea, “Because you are neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” In what ways are you currently lukewarm?
  3. Read Numbers 14. Who do you need to humbly and zealously intercede for?
  4. Who do you personally know who resembles the Ninevites?
  5. When was a time you experienced the JOY of godly grief producing repentance leading to salvation without regret (see 2 Corinthians 7)?