Sunday Worship
November 6, 2022
“The Authorship of the Holy Spirit”
2 Corinthians 3
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- It Doesn’t Seem Like It
- The Confidence We Have Through Christ
- Freedom and Transformation
Reflection Questions:
- When was a time you were disappointed? How was the Holy Spirit at work amidst your disappointment?
- When was a time you felt like God wasn’t working in your life, but you resolved to trust Him anyways?
- What is the most convincing evidence that the Holy Spirit is actually at work in your life?
- Who is your letter of recommendation, written on your heart, to be known and read by all?
- In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul alludes to the Mosaic covenant as “the ministry of death” and “the ministry of condemnation.” Is Paul being harsh
- Why is the ministry of the Spirit so superior to the Mosaic covenant?
- What are 3 practical ways you have experienced freedom and transformation because of the gospel?