Sunday Worship
October 4th, 2020
“The Gospel’s Impact”
Luke 19:1-10
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Recorded Worship Service Audio – (35m:20s)
Sunday Worship Live Stream @ 9am:
- The worship service live stream will begin approximately 5-10 minutes prior to 9:00am.
- If you experience streaming issues, try refreshing your browser and restarting the player stream. This should fix most issues.
- If you miss the live stream, it will eventually be loaded onto the main youtube channel: Past Recordings
Children’s Sermon Notes – Luke
Sermon Outline:
- Causes Grumbling
- Cures Greed
- Cures Guilt
Reflection Questions:
- When have you been irritated with Jesus because He was hanging-out with the “wrong” people?
- Do you truly let yourself feel your need of Jesus, or do you opt to anchor your identity in “being the victim”; or “achieving self-worth” through superficial “success”?
- When was a time you zealously RAN (or CLIMBED) to SEE someone or something? Why were you so eager that you allowed yourself to be undignified and unmannerly?
- Which describes you better: grumbling and greedy OR joyfully receptive to Jesus?
- Are you motivated and driven by guilt, fear, and shame; or are you freely participating in the joy of Master Jesus? …Do you have a penance approach to life, OR do you participate in Christ’s Kingdom as one who has been fully pardoned?