Sunday Worship

January 14th, 2024


“What’s God’s Will For Your Life?”

Colossians 1:9-14

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. Embrace Spiritual Wisdom
  2. Experience God’s Strength, Power, & Might
  3. Enjoy Being An Heir

Reflection Questions:

  1. How often, and how intensely, do you come back to the question, “What is God’s will for my life?”
  2. Read through the entire Gospel of Matthew, and highlight every instance of Jesus emphasizing and embodying SPIRITUAL WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING. …and then honestly ask yourself if you agree with what Jesus is relentlessly emphasizing and embodying.
  3. When was a time you didn’t just academically study God’s Word, but you actively obeyed God’s Word – and it landed you in a world of weakness? …how did you experience God perfecting His power and strength via your weakness?
  4. How has God developed your endurance and patience in the past few years? How have you found JOY in endurance and patience?
  5. How have you been impacted by forgiveness? Read the story of the younger brother in Luke 15 and ask yourself, “Have I experienced forgiveness and the joy of restored inheritance like this