Sunday Worship

February 18th, 2024


“Christian Maturity”

Colossians 2:6-7

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Sermon Audio


Sermon Outline:

  1. As You Received Christ
  2. Rooted, Built Up, & Est. in the Faith
  3. Abounding In Thanksgiving

Reflection Questions:

  1. How did you first receive Jesus? When you first received Jesus how prominent was your sense of desperation and neediness?
  2. What’s your picture of a “Mature Christian”? What was the prevailing assumption regarding “religious maturity” in Jesus’ day?
  3. How has Jesus continued to force you to feel vulnerable and desperately dependent (to keep you from becoming conceited, and to perfect His power in you)?
  4. How GRATEFUL are you on a weekly basis for the ROOT system of Jesus’ forgiveness and eccentric discipleship?