Sunday Worship
May 15th, 2022
“Don’t Worry”
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- What We Worry About
- Why We Worry
- It’s No Big Deal
- Why We Don’t Worry
Reflection Questions
- What are you easily alarmed and worried about?
- Do you live as if worrying is actually helpful?
- Do you believe that panicking proves you’re a ‘principled person’ who responds soberly and responsibly to real problems?
- When was a time you truly experienced the peace and confidence that comes with believing that Jesus is completely in control of EVERYTHING?
- How does God’s sovereign suffering and sacrificial plan (accomplished by Jesus of Nazareth on the cross) force you to fixate on the mystery of God’s AWEsome mercy more than the alarming stuff in the world?