Sunday Worship
January 15, 2023
“God’s House”
Judges 1:22-36
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- Bethel
- Zeal For His House
Reflection Questions
- How do you feel about the fact that God isn’t satisfied with you merely believing in
Him, but He is zealous to make His abode with you!? - Just as the tribes of Israel decided to integrate with the abominable practices of
Canaan, how do we integrate with the abominable customs of MATERIALISM and
STATUS? - Read Mark 7:1-13 and make a list of 10 ways you forsake God’s paradigm of
success in favor of your paradigm of success. (E.G. we think a big “church” facility is
a sign of “success”; but using this criteria the vagabond preacher approach of Jesus
“isn’t successful”. Or consider how we mostly highly esteem PhD theologians; which
means we would – most likely – completely dismiss the 12 apostles).