Sunday Worship

February 6th, 2022


“Good Work”

1 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Rev. Tyler Dirks

2022-02-06 Worship Guide

Children’s Sermon Notes

Sermon Outline:

1. Recognize
2. Roots & Reason
3. Requirements

Reflection Questions

1. What do you love to call attention to? What, in your opinion, is exceedingly worth remembering? What do you think is really really good?
2. When was a time that you worked extremely hard on something as the joy set before you? You didn’t care about getting credit, or receiving payment; you simply poured yourself out for something because it was your delight to do so?
3. When was a time you personally experienced the good life as defined by Jesus in Acts 20:35?
4. Are you super clear on what The Gospel is, and how have you been specifically, and perhaps even radically, motivated by The Gospel?
5. How have you experienced the rigorous requirements, and blessed burdens, of love? (see, for example, Matthew 11:29)