Sunday Worship
September 12th, 2021
“It’s Not About You”
Esther 1:10-22
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sunday Worship Live Stream @ 9:30am
- The worship service live stream will begin approximately 5-10 minutes prior to 9:30am.
- If you experience streaming issues, try refreshing your browser and restarting the player stream. This should fix most issues.
- If you miss the live stream, it will eventually be loaded onto the main youtube channel: Past Recordings
Sermon Outline:
1. Warning Signs
2. Die To Self
Reflection Questions
1. When was a time you completely poured yourself into something, but you still felt empty? Why didn’t it satisfy you?
2. How, specifically, are you using, managing, or avoiding people instead of loving them?
3. When are you easily angered?
4. Read Mark 7:9. In what ways are you doing this?
5. In what ways are you ruled by fear? Will you seriously commit to memorizing and sumptuously meditating on 1 John 4:18-19 for the entirety of the upcoming week?
6. In what ways are you protecting yourself from “Never being hurt or humiliated ever again?”
7. How have you experienced the liberty of dying to self?
8. How have you experienced the supernatural confidence of your life being hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3; John 3:30)?
9. How have you experienced the joy of NOT leaning on your own understanding, but instead trusting in God will ALL your heart (Proverbs 3:5)