Sermon Text: 1 Samuel 29-30
- Man’s Plans & God’s Providence (29)
- Pain & the Power of God (30:1-8)
- Performance & Presents (30:9-31)
Reflection Questions:
- Write down a memory of a time when God’s providence eclipsed your plans [i.e. a personal example from your own life of Proverbs 16:9] (the medium is up to you… use paper or pen, or a typewriter, or a word processor, etcetera).
- Write about (one page minimum, single-spaced) a moment in your life when God used the means of pain to bring you to the end of yourself and show you what real power (i.e. His power) looks like.
- Who is the greatest, most powerful, person you know of? …how would you go about
getting him, or her, to share what they’ve earned with you?