Sermon Text: Hebrews 2:1-18


  1. God Declares (vv.1-4)
  2. God Designs & Destines Man with Special Dignity (vv.5-8)
  3. God Gets Dirty (vv.9-18)

Reflection Questions:

  1. God declares the only life-saving message available to man …do you listen? Read Prov.3:5-6 and consider how much anxiety results from listening to yourself rather than trusting in what God has declared (see also Ps.62:1).
  2. Do you believe that the secret of life is found in serving and suffering? Read Matt.20:25-28; Mk.10:15; and Jn.12:23-26 and immediately apply and appropriate this paradigm for living your life.
  3. How do you feel about the fact that God is extremely mindful of you (Ps. 139)? And He really does have an agenda for your life – which includes crowning you with glory and honor, and putting everything in subjection under your feet?
  4. What’s your favorite passage of Scripture that compels you to savor the fact that God got dirty in order to deliver us from the fear of death?