Sunday Worship
June 4th, 2023
“The Bramble”
Judges 9:1-21
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- A Promised Son
- A Provocative Parable
- Preasure to Reflect
Reflection Questions:
- In what ways do you feel entitled? Or in what ways do you feel like you’ve been promised things that fuel your greed
- How have you fallen prey to simplistic arguments (e.g. “bigger is better!”)? How have you fallen prey to the tyranny of simply siding with ‘what’s familiar’
- When was a time you decided to tell someone the truth, knowing that they would not like it?
- Have you ever been angry with someone for telling you the truth?
- When was a time you were seeking validation for your grievance, or your agenda; and you were only able to find ‘bramble validation?’6. Have you ever encountered a person who insisted on having everything on their terms, and they would not even tolerate moderate pushback or basic questions about their agenda? …Have you ever been that person?