Sunday Worship
January 2nd, 2022
“True Greatness”
Esther 10:1-3
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
1. Greatness in Weakness
2. Greatness in Strength
Reflection Questions
1. How do you honestly perceive true greatness? What seriously impresses you, and why?
2. Read through the Gospel accounts and answer the following questions, “What impresses Jesus (Luke 21:1-4)? What makes Him marvel (Matthew 8:10)? What does Jesus command us to rejoice, and not rejoice, about (Luke 10:20)?
3. How have you personally experienced God orchestrating greatness through weakness (Luke 18 [the entire chapter])?
4. In what way(s) has God made you strong? How will you use that strength to serve the household of God in 2022?