Sunday Worship
May 21, 2023
Judges 8:10-21
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Sermon Outline:
- Robbing the Real Maestro
- Flawed Reasoning
- All-Consuming
Reflection Questions:
- When was a time you took vengeance into your own hands?
- Why is it better to defer to God when it comes to vengeance (be very specific)?
- What do you really, deeply, passionately WANT for the people who have wronged you? Repentance or wrath? (see James 2:13)
- Read Romans 12:14-21. How will you let go of your vengeance vows, and instead make vows to overcome evil with goodness? (be very specific)
- How will you go nuts with Romans 12:14-21? How will you embrace it not merely as an option, but as your obsession (as the all-consuming WAY of Christ!)? [*Psalm 69:9]