Sunday Worship

October 18th, 2020


“What Kind of King?”

Luke 19:28-48

Rev. Tyler Dirks


Recorded Worship Service Audio – (33m:00s)

Sunday Worship Live Stream @ 9am:

    • The worship service live stream will begin approximately 5-10 minutes prior to 9:00am.
    • If you experience streaming issues, try refreshing your browser and restarting the player stream. This should fix most issues.
    • If you miss the live stream, it will eventually be loaded onto the main youtube channel: Past Recordings

2020-10-18 Worship Guide

Children’s Sermon Notes – Luke

Sermon Outline:

    1. How He Comes
    2. Why He Weeps
    3. Full of Wrath

Reflection Questions:

    1. Do you profess to be a follower of Jesus? If so, do you actually pay attention to the WAY Jesus approaches life? Or do you simply pay lip-service to Jesus and pursue life on your own terms?
    2. Why does Christ-crucified NEED to be absolutely central, and comprehensively relevant, to your everyday life?
    3. How have the tears of Jesus impacted you?
    4. How have you personally experienced the jealous love of Jesus? What has Jesus driven out of your life because His jealous love refuses to tolerate it?